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testo 826-T4 - infrared penetration thermometer| Food Thermometer-Contact And Non-Contact| ARP Technologies

testo 826-T4 - infrared penetration thermometer

  • Infrared and core temperature measurements in one measuring instrument
  • Infrared thermometer with 6:1 optics and 1 point laser measurement spot marker
  • Easy limit value monitoring with the min./max. function; immediate alarm when limit values are exceeded
  • Watertight and robust thanks to the TopSafe protective case (in scope of delivery)

During food controls in Incoming Goods, you regularly check the temperature of your goods. The testo 826-T4 infrared penetration thermometer allows quick temperature scans by means of infrared measurement without damaging the products. If temperature limit values are exceeded, the permanently attached penetration probe can be used to take accurate core temperature measurements (e.g. in yoghurts).